
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weekly Reading Basket #1

Recently, in a Facebook group run by Inga from San Antonio Charter Moms blog and I, someone posted a great picture of the books they plan on taking with them for vacation. The picture was so neat to look at and get book ideas, I thought I would share my family weekly reading basket with you.

I only recently started a weekly basket, and this has helped our reading time immensely. My goal is to read 15 different titles a week, (note that there are some very short, easy titles in here), which works out to 3 stories per week day. Before, we would end up reading the same 2 or 3 books over and over even though we have plenty to choose from. It is important to round out the subjects we explore each week.
This week we have art (Van Gogh, we will continue learning about him next week also), math, science and some fun books all mixed together. 
Some highlights and notes: 
  • The Van Gogh book at the top right is actually part of a great series called "Getting To Know". The book is fairly age appropriate for my 4 year old, but I did leave some parts out, because Van Gogh was a sad guy, you know? I lucked out and found this book for less than $1 at the thrift store. I can't wait to find more!
  • Ship Shapes, Star Seeker, and What's This? are all Barefoot Books titles. (Affiliate links here to my store). Star Seeker is not only a great story, but has appendices in the back about the planets constellations, etc. We are using this book and What's This (The journey of a seed, endnotes included are about roots, shoots and seeds) will fulfill our "science" lessons for the week.
  • Anno's Counting House, Numbers, and Ship Shapes all deal with math concepts without boring my son. 
  • The Frog Prince did not impress me or my son. Illustrations were great though, we enjoy all of James Marshall's work.

Do you have any reading highlights this week?


  1. I love this idea because we have a huge home library of books for our kids but they always want to read the same ones over and over. This inspires me to work more new titles into our weekly reading time. ;)

  2. This is a great idea! I have a basket of books set out for class, but what a great idea to make it a "goal" to hit all the books in a week. Working on that during nap today!

  3. When the kids were little, we kept books easily accessible and had a family reading night together. I miss it now that the kids are older. But they are both voracious readers, like their mama, so I guess it all worked out okay!


Thank you in advance for sharing your lovely thoughts.