Happy Friday!! Linking up with the awesome funny Jennifer Fulwiler today. What are you up to?
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My husband finally got fed up with me buying cd/tape/radios at the thrift store that didn't quite work...I didn't realize one needed a power cord and the other one needed speakers (electronics are NOT my strong point, apparently). So hubby ordered a WORKING, new radio/cd/tape combo. Its actually for my son, I am in the process of setting up a special "listening station" in his room. Not sure if it will stay where it is because he moved his chair to the middle of the room instead of the what I thought was a cozy corner. But he really loves being able to listen to books by himself. Trying to find a replacement for George and Martha by James Marshall. I love the books but I really, really, really can't listen to the entire audiobook again. We can all recite the intro and stories....and can't get it out of our heads! I scored an awesome Time Life CD collection of 100 Classical Masterpieces at the thrift store last night, so hopefully we can listen to that for a while. Here is the Mr. Z below, looking at a Richard Scarry book and listening to George and Martha. --- 1 ---
I am planning to have a somewhat crafty weekend. I have a towel sewing project that is quick and cheap. Pics to come on Monday! It all came about because my son requires a new, fresh towel every time he washes his hands so he ends up taking any clean towel and using it to dry his hands, throws it in a pile on the floor, then when I go to take a shower I have to dry myself off with a bathmat, washcloth, or whatever is left in the cabinet.
Laundry. So behind. I tried to follow my schedule but this week's dr appt really set me back. I feel like going to the doctor takes all day!
I got the new wordless picture book from Barefoot this week! Its available online in my store. (affiliate link). I was really on the fence about wordless picture books, but this one is just so beautiful and interesting, we definitely have our own words for the "story". I really love Alison Jay's crackle varnish art, she uses this style in I Took the Moon for a Walk as well. Wordless books are a great way to engage my son into talking with me. Sharing truth and beauty are a couple of our family goals...so blessed to share beautiful books with the kids!
Today, hopefully we will make it over to the McNay art museum so I can pick up some more art postcards to make a matching game with. Its really awesome to have a museum with Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet and many others just down the street! Also hoping they have some Van Gogh posters, as we are learning about Van Gogh this week.
Has anyone gotten their hands on the new book from Tinkerlab? (This is not an affiliate link). It looks awesome! My fellow San Antonio blogger Stacy over at Kids Stuff World wrote a great review that just sold me.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
We LOVE Octonauts! My kiddo learned so much about sea life from it and its very catchy for the whole family