
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Goings On and Weekly Reading Basket 5 #weeklyreadingbasket

Hello, hello!

If you follow me on Twitter you know that I have tweeted about some weekly reading baskets that I did not have time to blog about. Getting ready for homeschool and other things has proved to be time consuming around here. I have also been actively searching for a homeschool group that would be a good fit for us, but at this point, I give up. There are so many groups on Facebook, etc but no one actually wants to meet up in real life. Its quite frustrating but I will give it time.

We have 2 reading baskets this week: one for books we must get through, and one just for fun. I am not sure if we will get through all of them, but basket A is more important than basket B. Our homeschool is structured but not too structured. I used to be worried about what he knew in comparison to other kids his age, but kids are at so many different levels of maturity, etc. that I threw the comparisons out the window and it has taken so much pressure off of both of us. I feel confident that my curriculum is well rounded, so as long as we are able to stick with it, he will be fine. So often we forget that some of our children are so young! At four, if my son can't write his name in cursive, I can totally live with that.

Anyway, yesterday was our first official day of "lessons"....remind me not to plan an outdoor playdate at 3pm in 100 degree weather on the first day of lessons again...mmmmkay?

I was a bit frazzled all day...I had to run to Lakeshore for a few things (thinking it would be slow but I didn't realize that some kids are still not in school so the place was really busy with teachers buying all their stuff). I was also super excited about the Barefoot Books New Releases (my affiliate link) that just went on sale yesterday, so I was busy sharing about those too. Oh and I went grocery shopping.

Overall lessons went well, we will have some catching up to do on Friday (our off day). I had to run to the library in the evening because I had forgot to put holds on the history books for this week!!

Here is our "school" book basket for this week (I will share the other basket on Twitter when I have a chance).

Saint Book, Beatrix Potter, Matisse books, Barefoot Books Bilinguals/Spanish and History. I feel like I am leaving something out...oh yes, our books about Birds!


  1. I love your book baskets; I always get such lovely ideas! Sorry you've struggled with finding a homeschooling group--thank goodness for the Internet!

  2. What a great basket of books! Have you read When Pigasso Met Mootisse? Perfect for your Matisse theme and so fun!


Thank you in advance for sharing your lovely thoughts.