
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Prepping for Kids Clothes Week

You might not have noticed, but I am a super disorganized person. Its funny because I was never disorganized like this when I was working- at work that is. At home was a different story.
In order to ensure sucess, for me, I have to make numerous lists, charts, graphs, pivot tables...well, maybe not pivot tables, but you get the idea.

For the first time, I am actually prepping in advance for Kids Clothes Week. This upcoming week is a great opportunity to sew something special and to stay inspired. I really need group motivation to finish projects.

Over the past 2 weeks, I bought fabrics, faux fur, and more! I traced a pattern for the Oliver & S class picnic blouse (I am actually going to turn it into a tunic), found a cape pattern for my son's costume from my pattern stash, and I am almost, almost ready to sew. I want to literally SEW next week, without having to do a lot of prep. Because prep is what gets me in gets me stuck and then I cant get past the prep and never have a completed garment. Finally realizing that the only way for me to actually be productive is to break up my work into manageable chunks. Go figure.

Are you participating? I would love to know!

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